Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Why is it that God always cutting it too close?

Here's another thing that i12know: Why is it that God always cutting it too close to the last minute. The volunteer youth director at my church, my close friend, is also a technical businessman. He is a design engineer by trade and owned his own company before he came to Christ a few years ago. After committing his life to Christ, issues in business practice began to flare up between him and his long time partner (they were best friends). So after much praying and soul-searching, he decided to sell his share of the company to his partner, and step out in faith with a new venture. For the last two three years it had been particularly hard on him. After getting married for a few months, his daughter passed away as 8-months still born (and that was my first funeral). His new business was bleeding non-stop, money keep coming out without any end in sight. His new family surfered under the pressure. Yet he's still hanging in there and serving faithfully in the youth ministry even though more than once I suggested him to let go of it. The last few months he was approaching the last few pennies of his fund and start dipping into life saving as well as contemplating selling the house. Finally the product was finished with much turmoil and hardship. He was aiming for a trade show coming up this weekend. He told me that this product launch will make or break his company, because frankly he had only one bullet left in his asernal. The problem is, they have no booth at the trade show. Due to some problems outside of his control, everything was booked and his company was number 3 on the waiting list. My stomach tied up in knotts as I observed my friend being cornered into his last breath. We prayed and prayed and prayed for a couple of months now, and things have not been improving. Last week, in the last ditch due-or-die effort, he decided to ship four 500 pounds crates of equipment to the show despite the fact that he has no booth there. He also bought the ticket to fly out there anyway this Friday for the show. Last night in our small group, we prayed again for him. But I myself is an eternal skeptic, so I start wondering about what to do for damage control when everything fall apart. This morning, he sent out an Email letting us know that there was a spot open up, and his booth will be right at the entrance of the show! Praise God (and shame on me for having little faith). God, in His typical fashion, somehow like to keep it down so close to the wire, answering our prayer just 2 days before the show open. And that was just typical of God. He didn't rescue Daniel's friends until they had already been thrown in the fire. Jesus didn't come to Mary and Martha's aide until Lazarus had already been buried. He was just always too close for comfort... Why is that? I am such a chicken and I hate having heartburns over the way God works and His style; but somehow I think it will help strengthen our hearts over time... Please keep my friend and his work in prayer for the next few days. May we witness a great example of God's reward to people who faithful to him...


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